Message from your St. Joseph County Census worker...
Hello citizens of New Carlisle we need your help! The town currently only has a 26.2% response rate for filling out the census form. Would love to see this at 100%.
This is the first time that you can respond online! Go to: and increase your town's response rate!
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“Project Description: The 2023 Community Crossings – Zigler Street and Filbert Street Reconstruction Project has been awarded to Selge Construction Co., Inc. as the lowest responsive bidder. This project will full reconstruct Filbert Street from Front Street to the railroad tracks, reconstruct Zigler Street from the railroad tracks to Race Street and reconstruct Race Street from the railroad tracks to Marvel Lane. These projects will include full pavement replacement, sidewalks, concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer improvements. Zigler Street and Race Street will also have full replacement of the water main which will tie into the existing water main located on the north side of Marvel Lane.
Schedule: The Contractor has preliminarily indicated a late July start date for Filbert Street with a tentative substantial completion date of mid-August. Immediately following, it is anticipated that construction will start on Zigler Street and Race Street mid-August and be substantially complete by mid-October. Please note that roads within the above described project limits will be closed but access will be maintained for all residents and businesses throughout construction. Selge Construction will provide sufficient notice of any planned activity via door hangers or letters to impacted parties. Should you have any questions please contact Justin Butler, Selge Construction at 574-339-9225 or Jared Huss, Town Engineer at 574-370-9041.”
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For more information follow the link below:
We understand the importance of communicating with you and ensuring that we keep you in the loop regarding events in town that affect you. As a result, we are pleased to announce that we have initiated a new notification service for residents of the Town of New Carlisle called REACH Alert. This service allows us to immediately share important information regarding a number of items including power outages, waterline breaks/boil advisories, road closures or delays due to construction or accidents, sidewalk and street project info and cemetery clean-up dates. Please take the time to register for this service at If you don't have access to a computer or experience any difficulty registering, please contact REACH Alert at (877)307-9313.